Saturday, March 12, 2011

SFIAFF Opening Night Gala

I was last minute invited to the San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival opening night gala by an old friend, Kevin Ung (you can read about Kevin's thoughts on the gala here), whose short, Chubby Can Kill, is playing at the festival.  I'm super thankful that Kevin invited me, because I'd never really gone to an event like this.  It was...interesting.  We met all types...directors...wanna-bes..."been there done that the world is so passe" types...everyone.  

The event was held at the Asian Art Museum.  A great museum and a logical choice for an Asian Am film festival party...but I'm not sure the small foyer is the best place to cram so many people!  The whole museum was available for perusal as well, though.  There were plenty of free drinks and  hors d'oeuvres, and it was fun.

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some museum shots. a great time to get them because it wasn't crowded with regular patrons.

We me this guy, James ^ who was really interesting. I saw a man leaning against the wall in overalls not talking to anybody and I was thinking he was an employee or something.  We walked up to him and struck up a conversation and it turned out that he is just a dude from San Francisco that loves Asian cinema.  We spent a lot of time talking with him about film and he was really interested in Kevin's short.  I am so glad we talked to this guy.

After they told everyone "party's over, get the hell out of the museum", I bummed a cigarette from some people who looked in-the-know outside and figured out where the afterparty was through them.  Seriously, bumming a cigarette is my best social tactic.  I'm not really even a smoker anymore but it's a great way to strike up a conversation.  The afterparty was at Passion Cafe, a bar kinda straddling the Civic Center/sketchy Tenderloin district.  There we met and conversed with many interesting people.  It was great.
A blogger revealed.  This is me with one of the actors from West is West, the opening night film that we unfortunately did not make it out to...! I loved his look, I think he has an intense face so I really wanted a picture.  Me, on the other hand...I just looked faded in this picture (hence the pound sign).

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